Monday, July 18, 2011

Stage Stamina...

You know those shows that ask you to just be exhausted when the curtain goes down?  If you've done your job right, your sucking wind just trying to catch your breath.  We always think, "That was awesome!  I made it!"  I remember the first time I made it all the way through Tae-Bo.  I might have cried.  Why don't we work that hard in life?  Especially in our relationships.  Where is our stamina?  We have been force fed a relationship myth of roses and sunshine!  A myth that gives us two extreme choices.  Be happy or leave.  Happy is just supposed to happen.  It shouldn't be a lot of work.  It's up to others to make us happy.  Most of us know that's not true.  It's work...exhausting, wind-sucking work.  I've been working on my core.  It is supposed to make every other muscle group work smarter.  Not harder, smarter.  I want to work smarter.  The dust from relationship wars is settling, and I'm realizing that the two extreme choices are both impossible.  I can't be happy all the time.  I can't leave.  No.  I think I'll settle in, work on my core, and build my stamina, so when the curtain comes down, I can say, "That was awesome!  I made it!"

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