Saturday, June 25, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well...

So tonight is the final performance of The Drowsy Chaperone, and here's what I know...everyone has a different process not to just acting, but life.  Some use time honored traditions to guide their steps, some use a faith-based book to order their actions, some emulate those that society has deemed "important", some completely rebel against all order, and some medicate their way through their day.  Any of these methods have the ability for success and failure.  If an audience relates to a specific choice, your in; however, if an audience rejects the method the actor has chosen to develop the character, they disconnect.  Doesn't that happen so often in life?  We disconnect with people because we judge their method and in turn judge them.  I can hear the judgement in certain conversations I have with my 17 year old, because I have tried the method she's dabbling in and I assume, based on the fact that it didn't work for me, it won't work for her.  Silly to think that I am in complete control of her choices.  Directors try to guide our choices, but ultimately, we the actors stand on the stage hoping to please the audience with our choices, our methods on display.  Some will stand and applaud, some may walk out based on their personal process.  I am trying not to take things so personally and just let people work out their own method.  I'll stay connected to those people whose processes are different than mine for two reasons.  1.  I might learn something new.  2.  Every method has value.    

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