Friday, June 24, 2011

Here's What I Know...

As a high school Drama teacher, I use that phrase A LOT!  In fact, there's a bingo game wherein that phrase is center square.  I don't pretend to know everything, I am just willing to learn about anything.  I remember one of my college professors introduced me to a great word...Quidnunc.  Webster defines it thus: QUIDNUNC: a person who seeks to know all the latest news or gossip : busybody.  Now most people would read this and immediately think of TMZ.  The words gossip and busybody do create a negative connotation, however, I like to focus on the words "latest news."  How is it that an entire generation of students who have immediate access to information, can know so little about their environment?  As actors, it is our duty to be current, relevant even.  I challenge you this week to get connected beyond facebook.  Read the news, know what is happening around you.  Your primary source databank will thank you :)


  1. That word describes me - not so much the gossipy part, but just knowing a little bit about a lot of things. I have found that it makes it easier to talk to a variety of different people in any situation!! Cheri, I love you!!
